Proofs from Bookmobile!


It’s almost done! I’ve asked for one more quote because I’d like to make a few changes to the cover and inside cover… Hard not to rush but I just want it to be the best I can do! Bookmobile has been incredibly helpful and patient in answering my many questions throughout the process. Now that I’ve seen the proofs I can see that they deliver a quality product as well!

Some fun stuff!

I have this idea of sending out ‘grab bags’ of random crap related to the comic that’s laying around. yeah that’s pic of me ❤


SF Zine Fest ahoy!

I will have an 8 page sample of Tittybar Tales available at my table at the SF Zine Fest THIS SUNDAY! Eventually I want to get ALL the comics into one book, but that will require more funding. (The gold leafing is done by hand by me, not actually printed on. I may do a few extra for the fest)!